Tuesday 24 July 2012

OMG!! itx been loooo~oong :p

so hey everyone.! =D
omg itx been so long since i last made an entry. ( 'A')
ws soooo busy wid exams n all stuff :o
*studying studying. working hard*

 bt oh well!!! itx all over now!! yaaay! :DD
n after all dat hardwork, m finally free~eee! ( *_*) *tears of joy*
yess!! itx time to celebrate!! xD

ooohhhh~!  bdw my birthday is coming up soon! :p yaaay!! ( >A<) soooo happy~!

 oh i want a violin on my birthday~ ( 'A')

i hope a happy honey bee comes n gift it to me :ooo
jk xD lolx
neways dtx it fr now!
everyone take cares n bee happy!! :DD
bye bye~!

Wednesday 12 October 2011

feeling strange~! ("=A=)

heeeey guys!!
itx been a loooo~oong tym since i made a entry (>w<) ws a little busy :p

neways i've been feeling weird alot these past few days...! itx actuali frustratn!! (>o<)//
bleeeh!! Xp
wel actuali m feeling kinda....
*whispers* "lovesick" =x
n well!! dnt tell anyone!!! (>o<)"/ 
n if u do... i'll run after u wid a frying pan!! \\(>w<)
well... u see.... 
itx kinda embarrasing!!!!
(_ _ll)...
neways dtx it fr nw... :p
signing out!
every1 tcx!! =D

Friday 8 April 2011

baaaaaaaak!!!! :DDDD

phew...( =3=) finali bak...! yaaaaaaaaay!! :DDD
wel first of all i hd my mocks n thn the comp windows got corrupted... TT_TT (which ws da saddest part) bt itx all ok nw!! evrythnx fixed n m bak in action!! >:D
okaaayyy!!! so lemme tell what happened in these past few days..!
well first of all, it was my chemistry paper which went jst ok... ^^"
n wel dnt ask abt physix.... :p my head ws hurting after all dat studyn u knw....
n m doomed in physx paper dtx fr sure.....
but oh well! every1x wid me in dat!!! :DDD
xD lolx
m freeeeee~! wel actuali i stil hv my psychology mock left n i hv to study fr dat too but until thn:

xD lolx
wel thn c ya nxt tym!!! :DDDD til thn tcx!! :))))

Sunday 3 April 2011

*_* .......BewaRe!!!

Cake~!!!!! =D

first of all leme send a warning to da "cake loverx" cux itx myt b xtremely hazardous for em! ( 'A') so if u r a cake lover thn plx return bk =O
xD lolx jk jk :p
newayx moving on... i made a super delicious chocolate cake!! =DDD
it took a lot of hard work n tym cux of all dat whipping n sprinkling n decoratn n all! m(_ _)m

.....wel it certainly did take a lot of effort n omg! i think evn google is celebratn "icecream/sundae" day... "O.o
xD lolx
N yea!! il b postn da pic of da cake too soon...so wait fr dat (^-^)/
till then ima enjoy my cake :DDD tcx every1! :D
*goes n takex out a slice*
xD lolx